Dayglo Abortions: Little Man in the Canoe
Unrest Records
Format I Own it on: Vinyl
Track Listing: 1. Homophobic Sexist Cokeheads 2. Casting Couch 3. Big Michel 4. Man Bites Dog 5. Little Man in the Canoe 6. You Are So Boring 7. Cash Bash 8. Skatan's Skids 9. Nikki Dial 10. Open Sore 11. Brick Shithouse Bouncers 12. Feeder Brigade 13. Spuds Visitation 14. Nuclear Supremacy
Manoman, do the Dayglo Abortions know how to suck me in with an album cover or what? I consider the "Feed Us a Fetus" cover to be one of my all-time favorites, but this one might possibly dethrone it...True, the album covers that followed "Little Man in the Canoe" all suck, but this? So brilliant, so lewd, so epic... I couldn't not buy it, even though I sorta initially doubted the quality of the music contained within...
Y'see, this record is their first without The Cretin on vocals, which seems like a big strike against it...Cretin's boneheaded, sing-song leering was a huge part of the band's repellant appeal...They replace him with some guy named Gymbo Jak and surprise surprise...It works just fine...Gymbo sounds like a scumbag crack-head (as opposed to looking like one...Have you seen the Cretin lately?! Damn!!!) with his sandblasted shout, which turns out to be the correct approach and the band still sounds good, pumping out the crusty punk/metal tight as ever...Possibly even tighter...
Bust out the Lava, cos this album's gonna make you wanna wash your hands after listening to it...
I can't believe the virgin-white vinyl this thing comes on isn't covered with greazy fingerprints...Just scuzzy, slimy shit as you could probably put together by a quick glance at the song titles...."Homophobic Sexist Cokeheads"? Yikes! I mean check out these lyrics:
Just by reading those above lyrics I have to imagine you'd either: a.) want nothing at all to do with this ever or b.) you have to find out what all this is about immediately...I think this is a solid as hell record...Heavy, heavy punk with some occasional flashes of trashy metal...Hell, cut out the overlong sklortchy keyboard intro and "Nuclear Supremacy" is a goddamn great metal track...The kind of chugging beast that was hard to come by in 1995 (and listening to the vomiting session that closes out the track via the intimate soundscape my headphones provide is an auditory experience like no other)...For the most part, the album falls more into the "punk" category however...
"Lisa, she’s an actress
She’s got the look and great big tits
She knows one day she’ll be a star
Cause her tits are gonna take her far...
Hike your ass up in the air
Shake and moan as if you care
Let that cum roll down your chin
Now wipe it off and begin again..."
-Casting Couch
The production is very clear and full too...Some of their previous stuff sounds a little thin in comparison, but this sounds like they really gave it their all this go-around...Possibly to prove they could still do it without the Cretin? Who knows...I'm still kinda bummed that I didn't buy this back in '95 when I was at the exact bone-headed age where something this disgusting and ass-kicking might have changed my life...Oh, well...All I can do is crank the shit now...Kill a few braincells...Toss Mr. Floppy around while I watch a couple Nikki Dial videotapes...Sounds like a good night...
Let's listen to "Skatan's Skids" by Dayglo Abortions and wonder what "Skatan" means...Enjoy...