Monday, July 4, 2016

Devo: Something Else for Everybody


Devo: Something Else for Everybody


Booji Boy Records

Format I Own it on: Compact Disc

Track Listing: 1. Monsterman  2. On the Inside  3. Should-A Said Yes  4. Think Fast  5. Raise Your Hands  6. Message of Hope  7. Big Dog 8. Can U Juggle?  9. Throw Money at the Problem  10. I Luv Ur Gun  11. Don't Shoot (I'm a Man) (Polysics Remix)

This came  out in 2013, but I wasn't especially aware of its existence until around 2015. I actually saw it once before and took a quick glance at the cover and thought it was simply a used copy of "Something for Everybody" with a signed cover. Duhh...Oops. 

This is actually a bunch of outtakes/demos from "Something For Everybody"with the "Monsterman" theme song and a remix of "Don't Shoot (I'm a Man)" remix tossed in...

And coming from someone who greatly enjoyed "Something for Everybody," I actually might actually enjoy this one a bit more overall...I don't know if there's anything on here as good as "Something for Everybody"'s first four tracks, but on the other hand there's nothing as weak as "No Place Like Home," "Later is Now," "Human Rocket," or "Cameo." The "Something Else" tracks are a little less overly flashy/dancey, which to me is a plus. "On the Inside" and "Should-A Said Yes" rock much harder than anything they've done in a long time...And a lot of this feels a bit more political, with songs like "Can U Juggle," "Big Dog," and "Throw Money at the Problem," "I Luv Ur Gun"  tackling the often terrifying 21st century mindset. 

BTW, ""Throw Money at the Problem," which in addition to being hilarious, is maybe the most naggingly catchy thing they ever wrote...Anytime I play this album, everybody else walks around for the next few days singing, "Throw Money at the Prob-luuum...Make-it-go-a-way!" 

Weak points? The Polysics' (who are to Devo, what Balzac are to the Misfits) remix of "Don't Shoot (I'm a Man)" is fine, but I have a hard time getting too excited over remixes..."Monsterman" is catchy, but it's a little too theme-songy for me to listen to regularly. "Think Fast" (a sort of morality quiz) is entertaining on first listen, but I think I've skipped it every time since my second listen. Clever, but that's about it...And really even the weakest moments are pretty good and memorable...

Alright, let's have a little fun. If "Something for Everybody" and "Something Else For Everybody" had to be combined for one perfect 12-15 track album, what tracks would make your final cut? Here's my list (in no particular order, although no matter what, "March On" would have to be the closer):

2. What We Do 
3. Please Baby Please 
4. Don't Shoot (I'm a Man)
6. Sumthin 
7. March On
 8.On the Inside
9.  Should-A Said Yes
10. Message of Hope
11. Big Dog
12. Can U Juggle?
13. Throw Money at the Problem 

What does your line-up look like?

With the recent death of Bob 2, I really hope that Devo puts out more new music. Of all the recent  glut of "reunion albums," Devo's were some of my favorites. But if this really is the end, then they went out with dignity and fire...Here's "On the Inside" by Devo...Enjoy...

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