The Beatles: A Collections of Beatles Oldies (But Goldies!)
Parlophone Records
Format I Own it on: Vinyl
Track Listing: 1. She Loves You 2. From Me to You 3. We Can Work It Out 4. Help! 5. Michelle 6. Yesterday 7. I Feel Fine 8. Yellow Submarine 9. Can't Buy Me Love 10. Bad Boy 11. Day Tripper 12. A Hard Day's Night 13. Ticket to Ride 14. Paperback Writer 15. Eleanor Rigby 16. I Want to Hold Your Hand
I have a soft spot for Beatles comps...I've listened to the Beatles back catalog so extensively that I have every song, every word, every track listing, even the lengths of silence between the tracks (!) totally memorized...As a result, listening to a Beatles album can seem a bit rote to me nowadays...
So to keep the relationship fresh, I'll play Beatles albums with the tracks out of order or I'll pick up a compilation...The more non-chronological, the better for me...Y'see, "Day Tripper" suddenly regains its psychedelic shimmer again when it's juxtaposed with the bread n' butter "Bad Boy." "I Want to Hold Your Hand" regains its pop headrush when it follows "I Want to Hold Your Hand"...
You might ask yourself what the point of this album was? It was a rushed compilation released in the UK for the holidays..It was notable for including a cover of Larry Williams' "Bad Boy" which had previously only been issued on a wonky US album...There were also a handful of exclusive stereo mixes of mono singles included...And it must have been a fairly popular import in the US, since this isn't the first time I've run across a copy...Truthfully, the old-timey, subtly psychedelic art sold me immediately...Beautiful cover...
Y'know, for the longest time I saw this album title as "A Collection of Oldies (But Goodies)" and would endlessly repeat that title and no one ever corrected me! When I pointed this out to my wife she was surprised because she had always read it as "Oldies But Goodies" too! I wonder exactly how widespread this misreading is...Or am I my own small island of ignorance?
Oh yea...You can't put up videos of the Beatles on youtube (trust me, I've tried and gotten notices to remove them), so instead let's watch some baseball player slide face first into another dude's ass...Enjoy...
Robert Whitaker's photograph of the Fabs at the Tokyo Hilton was flipped on the UK edition. The Japanese edition (seen here) corrects that.