Friday, February 5, 2016

Against All Authority/ The Pist split 7-inch

Against All Authority/ The Pist split 7-inch


Records of Rebellion

Format I Own it on: Vinyl

Track Listing: 1. Against All Authority- Sacco & Vanzette   2. Against All Authority-Threat  3. Against All Authority - Alba  4. The Pist-Wrong 5.The Pist- Walking Revolution   6. The Pist-Sedate

This is one of those punk split 7-inches where the respective bands cover each others songs...I picked this up for dirt-ass cheap cos I had remembered enjoying Against All Authority's "All Fall Down" album back in the day...

For those unfamiliar with the band, AAA was (is? I'm not sure if they're still around) a ska-punk band that leaned towards the crustier side of things...Lots of ramshackle energy and shouty politics about turn of the century anarchists, but the real draw for me is their consistently out of tune, Tower of Sour horn section...In this soulless, auto-tuned wold of ours, it always does my heart good to hear some good, brown honk...

There are two AAA originals: "Sacco & Vanzette" about some anarchist bankrobbers...

..and "Alba," which I'm assuming is about Jessica Alba...

And then they do a cover of "Threat" by the Pist, which is cool cos it was the only Pist song I knew (since I heard it on that old "Punk USA" comp that Lookout put out in the 90's..). So if you're into anarchic ska crust (and who isn't?) then you'll probably like to skank to this...

 On the flip side of the record has three tracks by the Connecticut punk band, The Pist. And it's not false advertising. These guys do sound genuinely pissed.  Like I said, I was only aware of The Pist, via "Punk USA" and I didn't quite know what to make of it back then...They were much more classic hardcore than the pop-punk bands surrounding them, but on the other hand, they sounded somewhat clean compared to real-deal 80's hardcore...

Now I understand they were attempting to bring back some of that old sound and spirit to a scene that was somewhat lacking in it while avoiding the self-conscious "retro" routine of making a new recording sound old...It sounds like if an early 80's HC band (before all the tough-guy metal seeped into the sound) used 90's recording technology...If you like short, manageable blasts of unadorned punk, then check them out...Their best song on here, by far, is their cover of AAA's "Walking Revolution" which ends up stealing the record...They do a better AAA than AAA...

This record is a fun way to make 10 minutes of your life a bit more exciting (oh, and even though it's not on this album, the Pist song, "The Customer is Always Right" rules...)

Here's "Walking Revolution" by the Pist..Enjoy...


  1. Alba is the guitarist's Cuban grandmother

  2. Awesome. I didn't know that. I still bust out this record quite a bit. I have also recently revisted some of Against All Authority's other music and have been loving it. Top of the charts stuff in my world...
