Dicks: Kill from the Heart
Alternative Tentacles Records
Format I Own it on: Vinyl
Track Listing: 1.Anti-Klan (Part One) 2. Rich Daddy 3. No Nazi's Friend 4. Marilyn Buck 5. Kill From the Heart 6. Little Boys' Feet 7. Pigs Run Wild 8. Bourgeois Fascist Pig 9. Purple Haze 10. Anti-Klan (Part Two) 11. Right Wing/White Ring 12. Dicks Can't Swim ( I. Cock Jam II. Razor Blade Dance)
I'm not afraid to say it! I like Dicks! Make mine Dicks! Forever and ever! Dicks as far as the eye can see...
I was fairly oblivious to the Dicks' existence, so what made me buy all their albums in a single day? I think it might have been my love of this album cover's color scheme...That striking electric blue and deep red brought back nostalgic memories of Gang of Four's "Solid Gold"...
Oh and the band was called "DICKS"... and the album was called "Kill from the Heart"...SOLD!
And it turns out it's a good album..It sounds like a murkier, bluesier, Dead Kennedys...It's hardcore, but not restrained by hardcore's usual, narrow mindset...For example there's a bit of a cowpunkish gallop to a lot of this...It's also interesting because they were one of the few bands in that early, super-macho hardcore era to be fronted by an openly gay vocalist and feature openly gay lyrics...This Gary Floyd guy just doesn't give a flying fuck what anybody thinks...The motherfucker sings about killing cops, licking little boys' feet, dropping N-bombs, threatening the Klan...And this dude was doing this shit in Texas during the early 80's, which I understand wasn't exactly a hotbed of liberalism at the time...Oh, and he did it all looking like this...
God bless 'im. I can't imagine that shit could have gone over well...But that's what I love so much about all this...Gary Floyd could have easily just gotten himself a cushy office job, worked all day keeping his thoughts to himself and then come home and quietly watched Knight Rider every night...Instead he decided to go onstage, looking like Divine's unkempt sister, shouting "DEATH TO THE USA!!" to folks who probably didn't care much for the sentiment (and I'm sure, many who did)...
Yea, I recommend this to fans of punk in general and early 80's hardcore in particular...Some of the overt Dead Kennedy-isms make wish they'd develop a bit more of their original style but it's all solid, gritty stuff...On second thought, I'd almost consider turning DK into a blues-rock hardcore band a fairly original style, all things considered...Or maybe the only DK they'd heard at this point was "Rawhide"...Who knows...Rules anyway...
Let's listen to some Dicks...Here's the ridiculously awesome title track..."Killing From the Heart"...Enjoy...
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