The Cure: 4:13 Dream
Geffen Records
Format I Own it on: Compact Disc
Track Listing: 1. Underneath the Stars 2. The Only One 3. The Reasons Why 4.Freakshow 5. Sirensong 6. The Real Snow White 7. The Hungry Ghost 8. Switch 9. The Perfect Boy 10. This. Here and Now. With You 11. Sleep When I'm Dead 12. The Scream 13. It's Over
I hope everybody had a great Easter...Easter's always a holiday I tend to forget about for some reason...Probably because I don't get the day off of work like the other Holidays...I do remember it being a biggish deal when I was a kid, though...
Getting 20 pounds of candy all at once was pretty cool and usually there would be some comic books or a bootleg Masters of the Universe figure in my basket, and that was always exciting...
And I know everybody else in the world hates them, but goddammmit, I love black jellybeans...

For some reason, I don't have many specific memories associated with "4:13 Dream." I can't really remember driving around and listening to it, or blasting it at parties...It's just always been there... First off, it's pretty amazing that the Cure has been around this long, consistently (although at a much slower rate the last decade or so) putting out albums that are usually within spitting distance of being as good as their big classics...I'm having a hard time thinking of many other artists from the post-punk era that has been able to maintain this level of quality and rate of output as the Cure, which leads me to believe a lot of listeners are taking them for granted at this point...Just imagine if you picked up the debut album by some band by a bunch of shaggy-haired kids and it sounded like this...Critics would be claiming that songs like "The Real Snow White" and "This. Here and Now. With You" out-Cure the Cure and they'd be playing Coachella with Edgar Magnet and the Absolute Zeroes, Pissypants, and the Corey Haim Trio...
So I don't want you acting too-cool-for-school, young man...I whupped yer ass then and I can whup it now...I'll admit that some of it falls into "re-write classic material" territory (most egregiously the Pictures-of-You-tastic album opener "Underneath the Stars") but I feel that argument against the album has been a bit overstated...For example, what the hell is "Freakshow"? What other album would that have fit on?
In fact, "4:13 Dream" is probably my favorite album of theirs since "Wish." "Wild Mood Swings" sounded like shit, "Bloodflowers" felt a bit too weighty to fully enjoy, and the self-titled album was too busy re-introducing the band to a new generation...This just feels like the band showed up, plugged in, and let the Cure-ness flow...
Originally, this album was intended to be much more immersive than it is...A 30-something track double-album, that the band eventually stripped down to a single-album focused on the poppier material, which was probably a good call...The only tracks I ever skip are "The Reasons Why" and "Switch." For the curious, the remainder of the album is set to be released later this year as "4:14 Scream." I'm sure I'll be at the local record store on release day, as usual, forking over my paycheck for the deluxe edition...
(exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming "4:14 Scream" album cover that I completely made up in MS Paint...)
I had a ridiculously good time listening to/talking about the Cure for the last month or so...As my musical tastes have changed and expanded throughout the years, the band have remained a constant in my cassette deck/turntable/CD player/MP3 player...Long may they mope, she said...
Here's "The Real Snow White" by the Cure (I promise you, the song is much better than the title)..Enjoy...
2021 and?