Chron Gen: Chronic Generation
Secret Records
Format I Own it on: Vinyl
Track Listing: 1. Lies 2. Jet Boy Jet Girl 3. Hounds Of The Night 4. LSD 5. You Make Me Spew 6. Chronic Generation 7. Mindless 8. You'll Never Change Me 9. Rocka'Bill 10. Friends Tell Me Lies 11. Reality 12. Living Next Door to Alice
This is why early punk is one of my favorite genres...Even when you start digging thru the C and D-list artists, you'll still find lots of good stuff...Like this record! I doubt it'll change your life or anything (unless it's the first punk album you ever heard...then it might), but it's pretty solid...They seem to alternate between stomping oi and melodic Gen X-style punk, which are two subsets I like...
The first 3/4ths of the album spends most of its time in solid oi territory, "Chronic Generation" being the anthemic highlight. That's one thing I always have to give early 80's punk bands...They always wrote themselves great theme songs...The real highlight of the first section of the album is a cleaned up version of "Jet Boy Jet Girl" (the "he gives me head" line sounds like it's been changed to "'e gives me 'ell..."), which is the English counterpart to the ever-popular "Ça plane pour moi"...Just try to get this shit out of your head once you hear it...
But suddenly around track ten the whole thing softens a bit with "Friends Tell Me Lies"...Then there's the song "Reality" which seems like another chunk of yobbish ponk until suddenly the most unexpectedly great chorus comes out of nowhere...Again, I can only explain it as oi Gen X...Then comes an awesomely ripping version of "Living Next Door to Alice," which was apparently some weepy 70's pop tune I had never heard...I had to look it up and found out the song has a very convoluted history, eventually becoming a popular profane novelty tune due to some incident where a DJ cursed over a playing of the record...Huh? Well, here's a moment where Chron Gen pulls ahead of the pack because their version of "Living Next Door to Alice" starts with all kinds of cursing...
All in all, good fun stuff if you're into early punk. If you can overlook a groaner or two ("You Make Me Spew") there's much to love and side two is golden...Probably one of my favorite punk records to listen to when I'm piss-ass drunk...